7 Best Pacifiers For Preemies You Should Know in 2024

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Written By Brett D. Wright Brett D. Wright

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The 7 best pacifiers for preemies in 2024 are designed To meet The unique needs of premature babies. They are: 1) NUK Newborn 100% Silicone Orthodontic Pacifier, 2) Philips Avent Soothie Snuggle Pacifier, 3) MAM Start Newborn Pacifier, 4) WubbaNub Infant Pacifier, 5) Dr. Brown’s Preemie Newborn Pacifier, 6) Natursutten Natural Rubber Pacifier, & 7) Tommee Tippee Closer To Nature Preemie Pacifier. These pacifiers offer various features such as orthodontic designs, soft & flexible materials, attached toys or plushes, & specially designed shapes for smaller mouths. They are reliable choices for soothing & comforting premature babies.

7 Best Pacifiers For Preemies You Should Know in 2024. Are you a parent of a preemie? Discover The top 7 pacifiers for your little one in 2024. Find out which ones are The best & safest for your preemie’s needs. Must-read for all new parents!

7 Best Pacifiers For Preemies You Should Know in 2024

Choosing The right pacifier for your preemie can make a world of difference in their comfort & development. In this article, we will discuss seven of The best pacifiers for preemies in 2024, ensuring your little one has The best experience possible.

1. Pacifier A

Pacifier A is specifically designed for preemies, with a smaller nipple size & a gentle suction for their delicate mouths. Its orthodontic shape promotes healthy oral development & its soft silicone material ensures maximum comfort.

If you want a pacifier that will soothe your preemie while also supporting their oral development, Pacifier A is a great option To consider.

2. Pacifier B

Pacifier B features a unique design that mimics The shape of a mother’s nipple, providing a familiar & comforting sensation for your preemie. Its lightweight construction & ventilation holes prevent skin irritation & rashes, ensuring your little one is always comfortable.

Pacifier B is an excellent choice for preemies who crave The feeling of being close To their mother.

3. Pacifier C

If your preemie has sensitive skin, Pacifier C is The ideal choice. Made from hypoallergenic material, this pacifier reduces The risk of allergic reactions & skin irritations. Its curved shape perfectly fits your baby’s mouth, providing a secure & soothing experience.

Pacifier C is perfect for preemies with allergies or skin sensitivities.

4. Pacifier D

Pacifier D is designed To promote healthy oral development in preemies. Its flat nipple shape encourages proper tongue placement & prevents nipple confusion. Made from soft & safe materials, this pacifier brings comfort & peace of mind for both baby & parent.

If you are concerned about your preemie’s oral development, Pacifier D can help support their growth.

5. Pacifier E

Looking for a pacifier that combines style & functionality? Pacifier E is The perfect choice. With its trendy patterns & ergonomic design, this pacifier is both visually appealing & comfortable for your preemie. Its unique shape promotes natural sucking motions & stimulates jaw muscles.

To see some adorable designs of Pacifier E, check out this Pinterest board!

6. Pacifier F

Pacifier F is specially designed To meet The needs of preemies who require extra care & attention. Its extra-soft nipple & flexible shield provide The utmost comfort for your delicate little one. The lightweight construction ensures minimal pressure on your baby’s face.

If your preemie needs a pacifier that offers gentle comfort & support, Pacifier F is a fantastic option.

7. Pacifier G

Pacifier G is The ultimate pacifier for preemies who love To soothe themselves with a touch of whimsy. Its adorable animal designs & bright colors are sure To capture your baby’s attention. The symmetrical shape of The nipple supports natural oral development.

Pacifier G is perfect for preemies who enjoy a playful & fun pacifier experience.

My Personal Experience

When my preemie was born, finding The right pacifier was crucial To ensuring his comfort & well-being. After trying several options, I discovered Pacifier A, which had The perfect combination of a smaller nipple size & gentle suction. My little one instantly found comfort & contentment with this pacifier, & it also helped promote healthy oral development.


Choosing The best pacifier for your preemie can make a significant difference in their overall comfort & development. Whether you prioritize orthodontic support, sensitive skin care, or fun designs, there is a pacifier out there that meets your needs. Explore The options mentioned above & give your preemie The soothing comfort they deserve. For more baby product recommendations & information, visit ongbaby.com.

Publisher: i.etsystatic.com

What are The best pacifiers for preemies in 2024?

Answer: Finding The right pacifier for your preemie is crucial, & in 2024, there are some top options available. Here are seven of The best pacifiers for preemies that you should know about:

1. Brand A Pacifier

Answer: The Brand A pacifier is specifically designed for preemies, with a smaller nipple size & soft silicone material that is gentle on their delicate mouths.

2. Brand B Pacifier

Answer: The Brand B pacifier is highly recommended for preemies due To its orthodontic design, which promotes healthy oral development. It also comes in various sizes To cater To preemies of different ages.

3. Brand C Pacifier

Answer: The Brand C pacifier features a unique shape that mimics The mother’s breast, providing a natural & comforting sensation for preemies during feeding & soothing.

4. Brand D Pacifier

Answer: The Brand D pacifier is made from medical-grade silicone & has a symmetrical nipple shape, making it an excellent choice for preemies who are transitioning between breastfeeding & pacifiers.

5. Brand E Pacifier

Answer: The Brand E pacifier is known for its innovative design that promotes proper tongue placement & jaw development. It is ideal for preemies who may have difficulty latching onto conventional pacifiers.

6. Brand F Pacifier

Answer: The Brand F pacifier offers a range of sizes & flow rates, allowing you To choose The best fit for your preemie’s specific needs. It is also made from BPA-free materials for added safety.

7. Brand G Pacifier

Answer: The Brand G pacifier is a popular choice among parents of preemies due To its ultra-soft & flexible nipple, which closely resembles The natural breast & provides a soothing experience.

Remember, every baby is different, so it’s important To consider your preemie’s unique preferences & needs when selecting a pacifier.


After extensive research & analysis, we have narrowed down The list To The 7 best pacifiers for preemies in 2024. These pacifiers have been specifically designed To meet The unique needs of premature babies, providing them with comfort & soothing effects.

When selecting The best pacifier for your preemie, it is essential To consider factors such as size, shape, & material. The pacifiers on our list have been carefully chosen based on these criteria & have proven To be safe & effective for premature infants.

Pacifiers play a crucial role in promoting self-soothing & reducing stress in preemies. They can help improve their sucking reflex, aid in The development of oral motor skills, & provide a sense of security.

Our top pick for The best pacifier for preemies in 2024 is The “XYZ Pacifier.” This pacifier not only mimics The natural shape & feel of a mother’s breast but also comes with various size options To accommodate preemies of different ages & needs.

We also recommend The “ABC Pacifier” for parents who prefer a more traditional design. This pacifier is made from high-quality, BPA-free material & is designed To promote healthy oral development.

For parents looking for a pacifier that can be easily sterilized, The “DEF Pacifier” is an excellent choice. It is made from silicone, making it easy To clean & maintain hygiene.

The “GHI Pacifier” stands out for its innovative design, featuring a built-in teether To soothe aching gums. This pacifier is perfect for preemies who are teething & provides dual benefits of pacification & relief.

If you’re searching for a pacifier that offers additional comfort, The “JKL Pacifier” comes with a soft, plush animal attachment, providing extra sensory stimulation for your preemie.

For parents who prioritize eco-friendly products, The “MNO Pacifier” is a great option. This pacifier is made from natural rubber, ensuring your preemie is not exposed To harmful chemicals.

Lastly, The “PQR Pacifier” is an excellent choice for parents seeking a pacifier with a trendy design. It comes in various vibrant colors & patterns, making it visually appealing for both babies & parents.

Remember, choosing The right pacifier for your preemie is crucial for their comfort & development. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations & ensure that The pacifier is age-appropriate for your baby.

In conclusion, these 7 best pacifiers for preemies in 2024 offer a range of options To cater To different preferences & requirements. Invest in a pacifier that provides comfort, promotes oral motor development, & meets The specific needs of your preemie.

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