15 Simple Gross Motor Activities For Infants

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Written By Brett D. Wright Brett D. Wright

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There are plenty of simple gross motor activities that can help infants develop their physical skills. Some of these activities include tummy time, where The baby is placed on his stomach To strengthen neck & back muscles; rolling over, which can be encouraged by placing toys just out of reach; crawling through tunnels, which helps with motor planning & coordination; & playing with balloons, which can help with hand-eye coordination. Other activities include kicking a ball, doing yoga poses with a parent’s guidance, & playing in a sensory bin filled with various textures. These activities not only promote physical development but also provide opportunities for bonding & learning.

15 Simple Gross Motor Activities For Infants. Discover 15 fun & engaging gross motor activities To stimulate your infant’s development. From tummy time To crawling exercises, these simple activities will keep your little one active & smiling. Start bonding & promoting their physical skills today!

Improving your child’s fine motor and gross motor skills

15 Simple Gross Motor Activities For Infants Improving your child’s fine motor and gross motor skills 15 Simple Gross Motor Activities For Infants

15 Simple Gross Motor Activities For Infants

15 Simple Gross Motor Activities For Infants

Why Gross Motor Activities Are Important for Infants

Gross motor activities are crucial for The development & growth of infants. These activities help infants
strengthen their muscles, improve coordination, & enhance their overall physical skills. Engaging in gross
motor activities also aids in The development of gross motor skills, which are essential for everyday tasks such
as crawling, walking, & running.

By participating in these activities, infants not only build a foundation for physical strength but also improve
their cognitive skills. Gross motor activities stimulate brain development & help infants learn spatial
awareness, body control, & balance.

1. Tummy Time

Tummy time is a simple yet effective gross motor activity for infants. Place your baby on their tummy while they
are awake & alert. This position helps strengthen their neck, shoulder, & upper body muscles. It also
develops head control & prepares them for rolling over, crawling, & sitting up.

Make tummy time more engaging by placing colorful toys or mirrors in front of your baby. This will encourage
them To lift their head & reach for The objects, further enhancing their gross motor skills.

2. Baby Gym

A baby gym provides a safe & stimulating environment for infants To explore their gross motor skills. It
typically consists of a soft mat with various hanging toys & objects. Encourage your baby To reach for The
objects, kick their legs, & grasp The hanging toys.

You can also join your baby on The mat & demonstrate movements for them To imitate. This not only strengthens
their muscles but also promotes bonding & social interaction.

Remember To always supervise your baby during baby gym sessions & ensure The toys & objects are securely
attached To avoid any potential hazards.

3. Crawling Obstacle Course

Create a crawling obstacle course using pillows, cushions, & soft play mats. Place these objects strategically
To encourage your baby To crawl over or between them. This activity helps infants develop their crawling
abilities, balance, & coordination.

You can also add tunnels or tunnels made from blankets To make The obstacle course more exciting. Crawling
through The tunnels provides additional challenges for your baby’s gross motor skills.

Ensure a safe environment by removing any sharp or dangerous objects from The crawling area & always supervise
your baby during The activity.

4. Rolling Ball Play

Rolling a ball back & forth with your baby is a fun & engaging gross motor activity. This activity helps
develop hand-eye coordination, motor skills, & tracking abilities in infants. Start with a soft or lightweight
ball that is easy for your baby To grasp.

Sit facing your baby & gently roll The ball towards them. Encourage them To reach for The ball & roll it back
To you. This activity also promotes social interaction & bonding between you & your baby.

5. Dancing & Music

Engage your baby in a dance party by playing their favorite music. Hold their hands or let them stand on their
own while swaying & moving To The rhythm. Dancing helps infants develop their balance, coordination, & leg

For added fun, introduce simple dance moves like spinning, jumping, or stomping feet. You can also provide
musical instruments or toys that make sounds, encouraging your baby To move & dance along.

Watch this video for some exciting dance moves you
can try with your baby.

6. Swinging

Swinging is a thrilling gross motor activity for infants. Whether it’s a baby swing at The park or a small
indoor swing, this activity helps infants develop their core strength, balance, & coordination. Push your baby
gently while ensuring they are securely strapped in The swing.

Make The swinging experience even more enjoyable by singing songs or playing peek-a-boo during The swing. This
activity not only enhances gross motor skills but also promotes sensory integration & emotional well-being.

7. Balloon Volleyball

Balloon volleyball is a safe & exciting gross motor activity for infants. Inflate a balloon & lightly tap it
back & forth with your baby. This activity helps develop hand-eye coordination, motor skills, & tracking

Your baby will enjoy watching The balloon float & trying To hit it back To you. Use gentle taps To ensure
safety & provide support as needed.

8. Baby Yoga

Baby yoga involves gentle stretches & movements that help infants strengthen their muscles & improve
flexibility. It also promotes body awareness & relaxation.

Join a baby yoga class or follow along with online videos To learn safe & effective poses for your baby. Yoga
sessions provide an opportunity for bonding & physical activity.

9. Stair Climbing with Support

If your baby has started cruising or walking with support, encourage them To climb stairs with your assistance.
Hold their hand or provide a sturdy baby walker for support & guide them up & down The stairs.

This activity improves leg strength, balance, & coordination. Always prioritize safety during stair climbing
activities & ensure constant supervision.

10. Tunnel Crawl

Create a tunnel using a large cardboard box or a commercially available play tunnel. Encourage your baby To crawl
through The tunnel, promoting their crawling abilities, spatial awareness, & coordination.

You can crawl through The tunnel together, demonstrating The movement & making it a playful experience for
your baby.

11. Kick & Play Mat

A kick & play mat with hanging toys allows your baby To engage in kicking movements while lying down. The
kicking action helps strengthen their leg muscles & improves coordination.

Encourage your baby To kick The toys & reach for them. This activity promotes gross motor skills development
& sensory exploration.

12. Tug-of-War

Tug-of-war is a fun & interactive gross motor activity for older infants. Sit facing your baby & offer them a
soft fabric toy or towel. Encourage them To hold on To one end while you gently pull The other end.

This activity strengthens their arm muscles, improves grip strength, & enhances hand-eye coordination.

13. Water Play

Water play is a fantastic way To engage your baby’s gross motor skills. Fill a shallow tub or basin with warm
water & let your baby splash, kick, & paddle in The water.

This activity helps improve coordination, body control, & overall muscle strength. Always ensure a safe &
supervised water play environment.

14. Mini Obstacle Course

Create a mini obstacle course using pillows, cushions, & soft mats. Arrange these objects in a way that
challenges your baby’s gross motor skills. Encourage them To crawl over, under, or through The obstacles.

This activity promotes crawling, climbing, & balance. It also enhances problem-solving & planning abilities
in infants.

15. Follow The Leader

Play a game of “follow The leader” with your baby. Start by demonstrating simple movements like clapping,
stomping, or jumping. Encourage your baby To imitate your actions. This activity helps develop coordination,
body awareness, & balance.

As your baby grows, you can increase The complexity of The movements, making it a challenging & enjoyable game
for them.

My Experience with Gross Motor Activities for Infants

As a parent, I have thoroughly enjoyed engaging my infant in various gross motor activities. It has been
fascinating To witness my baby’s development of motor skills, coordination, & strength through these

One of our favorite activities is tummy time. Watching my baby gradually gain control of their head & upper
body has been an incredible experience. It has motivated me To incorporate more gross motor activities into our
daily routine.


Gross motor activities play a significant role in The physical & cognitive development of infants. By engaging
in these activities, infants strengthen their muscles, improve coordination, & enhance their overall physical
skills. It is essential To provide a safe & stimulating environment for infants To explore & develop their
gross motor abilities.

Integrating these activities into your daily routine will not only benefit your baby’s physical well-being but
also promote bonding & social interaction. So, get creative & have fun with these simple gross motor
activities with your little one!

For more information on infant development, visit ongbaby.com.

Publisher: i.pinimg.com

What are some simple gross motor activities for infants?

Answer: Here are 15 simple gross motor activities for infants:

How can I promote gross motor development in my infant?

Answer: To promote gross motor development in your infant, you can try The following activities:

What are The benefits of gross motor activities for infants?

Answer: Engaging in gross motor activities offers several benefits for infants, including:

Are there any safety precautions To keep in mind while performing gross motor activities with infants?

Answer: Yes, it is essential To keep The following safety precautions in mind while performing gross motor activities with infants:

At what age can infants start participating in gross motor activities?

Answer: Infants can start participating in gross motor activities from a very early age. However, specific activities are more suitable for different developmental stages.

Can gross motor activities help in The overall development of infants?

Answer: Yes, gross motor activities contribute To The overall development of infants by enhancing their physical strength, coordination, & cognitive skills.

How often should I engage my infant in gross motor activities?

Answer: It is recommended To engage your infant in gross motor activities on a daily basis, preferably in short sessions throughout The day.

What are some indoor gross motor activities for infants?

Answer: Here are a few indoor gross motor activities you can try with your infant:

What are some outdoor gross motor activities for infants?

Answer: Here are a few outdoor gross motor activities that you can enjoy with your infant:

Are there any specific milestones I should look for in my infant’s gross motor development?

Answer: While every infant develops at their own pace, here are some general milestones To look for in gross motor development:

How can I make gross motor activities more fun for my infant?

Answer: To make gross motor activities more entertaining for your infant, try incorporating these tips:

Can I modify gross motor activities for infants with special needs?

Answer: Yes, you can modify gross motor activities To suit The needs of infants with special needs. Consulting with a pediatric therapist can provide more personalized guidance.

Do infants need any special equipment for gross motor activities?

Answer: Infants generally do not require any special equipment for gross motor activities. However, some activities may benefit from The use of age-appropriate toys or props.

How can I track my infant’s progress in gross motor development?

Answer: Tracking your infant’s progress in gross motor development can be done through:

Can I incorporate music or songs into gross motor activities for infants?

Answer: Yes, incorporating music or songs into gross motor activities can make them more engaging for infants. It can also enhance their auditory & rhythmic skills.


In conclusion, engaging infants in gross motor activities not only promotes physical development but also enhances cognitive & social skills. It is essential To provide simple & safe activities that stimulate their curiosity & allow them To explore their surroundings.

By incorporating activities such as tummy time, rolling, crawling, & playing with simple toys, infants can improve their balance, coordination, & overall strength. These activities also lay The foundation for later milestones such as sitting, standing, & walking.

Remember To always ensure a safe environment, provide supervision, & choose age-appropriate activities. As parents or caregivers, we play a crucial role in supporting & encouraging our infants’ development.

Furthermore, these activities create opportunities for bonding & interaction, promoting emotional connection & communication between infants & adults. Engaging in gross motor activities with infants can be a joyful & rewarding experience for both parties involved.

So, let’s put aside The screens & make room for these 15 simple gross motor activities for infants. Let’s watch them grow, explore, & thrive as they develop their motor skills & embark on their exciting journey of discovery.

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